How to Shave Your Face? (Expose Blades Without Bleeding & Blood Stains)

Updated Date: by Reet Patel

While the internet is flooded with many articles on how to shave your face, none of them delivers what is essential for men.  Having read those, we decided to put up a precise and accurate piece of information so that you do not remain confused.

This article contains a step-by-step guide to making your face like a clean canvas.  Plus, it lets you know what you must add and avoid creating a mess.  And don’t forget to check outside effects, tips, and myths related to shaving.

8 Shaving Steps to Shave Off Facial Hair

Step 1: Wash Your Face With Cleanser

No matter what shaving tool you are using, you must wash your face before going for a clean shave look.  Use warm water and a cleanser to remove all excess oil and bacteria build-up.  A gentle scrub with your fingers and cleanser would perfectly do the job.  Besides, the same warm water also softens your beard and opens up skin pores.

The benefit of washing and keeping a clean beard are:

  • Zero risk of ingrown hairs
  • No skin irritation
  • Removes dirt, dead skin cells, and gunk for a close shave

Step 2: Scrub Your Face

Exfoliating your skin pre-shaving and post-washing would remove any leftover dead skin cells, prevent razor bumps, razor burns, and clean clogged pores.  Doing so would offer a clean and comfortable shave.  Don’t be harsh with the exfoliants since you are going to glide a sharp razor on your face.

Step 3: Apply Pre-Shave Oil

A pre-shave oil prepares the skin and creates a thin layer of protection from sharp blades.  It also helps a razor to glide and remove the entire facial fuzz easily.  Lastly, doing so would also soften whiskers.

Step 4: Apply Shaving Cream

Shaving cream plays a crucial role in offering a clean face.  Use shaving creams that lather less and are made up of all-natural ingredients.  Also, ensure you either apply it in an upward motion or spread it with a shaving brush.  This way, it lifts all the lying hairs, and you don’t have to repeat the process.

Step 5: Select A Shaver or Razor

The next step after selecting a shaving cream is to choose the type of razor for men.  Just like shaving creams, there are different types of razors as well:

  • Disposable razor
  • Safety razor
  • Straight razor
  • Electric razor
  • Cartridge razor

The listed razors are either single, double, or multi-blade razors.  Besides, choosing a razor also depends on what type of shaving you want to consider for your beard.  We will discuss different types of shaving in a while.  No matter what number of blades you consider, they should be sharp and not dull.

Step 6: Use Short Strokes

The cuts, nicks, bleeding, and bloodstains depend on the razor strokes.  If you do not know how to use a razor, there are obvious chances of accidents.  The best way to shave is using short, gentle, and light strokes for the best shaving experience.  Plus, you can expect a smoother and closer shave.  The short strokes mean the ones that are around 2 inches.  Keep your skin taut and glide the razor.

Another best practice you must follow is to rinse off the razor between shaves.  Avoid making long strokes since it can clog up razor blade(s), deter performance, and uneven shave. learn the right technique to dispose of razor blades from the linked article.

Step 7: Rinse & Repeat Shave Process

Once you finish off gliding a razor across your beard area, rinse off your face with cold water and repeat the process.  This way, you get clean skin, close skin pores, and completely get rid of bacteria.  Keep on changing blades after 5-6 shaves.

Step 8: Rub Aftershave

Once you are done with the previous step of the repeat shaving for a clean shave, rinse off your face with cool water.  Now apply aftershave balm, lotion, or gel on your face to prevent skin irritation, infection, redness, and itchiness.


Do not use alcohol-based aftershave since it can trouble sensitive skin and even irritate your normal skin type.

Now that you know how to shave your face properly with this step-by-step guide, let’s know about several tools you will require.

What Tools Are Required to Shave Off Facial Hair?

shaving for men

Basically, shaving consists of:


Since razors have different types, their uses are also different. Some may work for a dry shave while some are specifically built for wet shaving.  We will let you know which one works well on wet and dry shaving.

Pre-shave oil

Pre-shave oil is one of the men’s shaving products that ensures an irritation-free and precise shave.  Plus, the oil ensures to soften beard hair and prepare them for shaving.  Mostly, pre-shave oils are chemical-free since this one has to soothe skin and not irritate more.

Shaving Cream

Shaving creams come in different forms:

  • Shaving gel
  • Shaving foam
  • Shaving lotion

Choose the one you feel comfortable with but make sure it is free from all harsh chemicals and contains only:

  • Carrier oils
  • Essential oils

Another point to consider when adding shaving cream to a grooming routine is the skin type.  Having sensitive skin should consider aloe vera as an active ingredient since it contains antiseptic properties.


Lastly, aftershave is a product to apply immediately after you are done shaving facial hair.  It soothes irritation, moisturizes freshly shaven skin, and is quite an effective post-wet shave.

Now that you know what sort of things are required for shaving your face, let’s know the difference between dry and wet shaving.

Types of Shaving & Which One Works Well?

men's shaving

Dry Shaving

As the name suggests, the process that excludes the use of shave cream or restricts shaving under the shower is called dry shaving.  For this reason, only one razor is useful, which is an electric razor.  Other than electric razors, you cannot use any different type of razor for dry shave.

P.S. Electric razors can also be used for wet shaving.

Wet Shaving

Wet shaving is a method that requires shaving cream or warm water to wet and soften your whiskers.  This type of shaving requires more tools than dry ones.  All of the razors including electric razors work amazingly well.

So these are the two types of shaving but which one is better and which one should you opt for?  Let’s unveil the answer:

Expert’s Suggestion

If you are running out of time, dry shaving could be the best deal since it doesn’t require too many tools. On the other hand, if you want a closer shave, then a wet shave is the best option. If you are a beginner, then wet shaving is ideal since it has a low upfront cost. Contrary to this, if you are a professional, then you can think of spending a hefty amount upfrontly.

Now that you know what tools are essential to shave your face but do you know how to maneuver the razor?  Not knowing this vital piece of information could raise an emergency situation.  If you do not want to use the first aid kit, keep reading the next section.

Which Direction Should You Glide A Razor?

best way to shave face

“Shave your face in the direction they grow.”

But Why?

Though shaving opposite to the hair growth direction gives a smoother and closer shave, it can even cause irritation, razor burns, ingrown hairs, and razor bumps.

The right way to shave is with the grain (direction in which the facial hair grows).  It reduces scarring, redness, the occurrence of painful bumps, and ingrown hairs.  Do not rush or tempt to shave your beard to get a desirable look.

Now that you know the right way to shave your face, let’s know if there are any negative sides to shaving.

Does Shaving Cause Side Effects?

Inflamed Hair follicles

This one happens post-shaving when the hair grows and curves back into the skin.  That’s the time when the hair follicles are inflamed and cause pain.

Skin Dryness

Many men do not use aftershave post-shaving, which causes dryness, making your skin dry and dull.  It even causes itchiness that turns into a constant urge of scratching.

Skin Damage

Shaving causes more damage to your skin if not done properly.  It can even worsen acne and may make you feel tenderness.

Ingrown Hairs

Since the terminal hair is thicker, shaving them off could increase the chances of ingrown.  It will eventually lead to painful bumps.

Razor Burn

Razor burn happens when you often glide the razor on the same spot multiple times.  It is an irritation caused due to peeling of the outer layer of the skin.

Cuts & Nicks

Shaving is the task of gliding a sharp blade on the skin.  It can cause cuts, nicks, and wounds.  Even a minor mistake could land you in deep trouble.

So this is the list of hassles shaving comes with if not executed well.  Now let’s see how and when to shave facial hair.

When & How Frequent Should You Shave?

Firstly, let’s know when is the best time to shave?

It is right after you take a warm water shower.  Because the hairs are softer and it makes shaving easier and better.  You can even shave your face under the shower.

Secondly, if you prefer a clean-shaven look, shave every alternate day.  Contrary to this, if a beard doesn’t matter to you, shave your hair once a month.

Now that you know what matters and how to protect your skin, let’s burst some shaving myths.  This will help you to stay away from unrealistic rumors.

Shaving Myths Busted

Myth #1: Shaving Grows Beard Faster

This is the most common myth men have heard but the reality is totally different.  Shaving doesn’t make your hair grow faster nor make it thicker.

Myth #2: Not Mandatory to Use Shave Cream

Many men think soap can replace shave cream and decide to switch.  But that would not work and you end up drying your skin more.  A shaving cream moisturizes and prepares your facial skin and hair.

Myth #3: New Blades Cut Your Skin

You must be used to applying pressure on your old razors for a close shave and that happens because of the dull blades.  When you switchblades, you don’t switch habits, and if by mistake you apply pressure, the sharp blade is going to cut your skin anyways.  Therefore, it doesn’t mean that a new blade cuts your skin.

Myth #4: Pressing Hard Against the Skin is Fine

This is also one of the common myths that pressing a razor hard against the skin lets you achieve a close shave.  That’s totally a myth or can be a lie.  As discussed in the previous myth, applying pressure could be a habit due to the use of dull blades.  You should always remain gentle while shaving.

Myth #5: Shaving Without Cream is Fine

Dry shaving is not advisable since it causes irritation and redness. It sucks up moisture and makes hair frizzy and dry.

Myth #6: Same Razor Blades Works for Entire Body

This is also one of the biggest myths to use the same razor blade for body facial and body hair.  You should use a separate blade for each purpose.

So these are the myths.  Now let’s unfold some shave tips for men.

Shaving Tips for Close Shave

  • Use beard wash and scrub before shaving for the best shaving experience
  • Do not use dull blades
  • Do not use a hot shower to wet your beard
  • Always use a soft bristle brush to apply shaving cream
  • Make a habit of applying sunscreen post-shaving to avoid rashes
  • Apply moisturizer post-shaving
  • Do not use alcohol-based aftershave
  • Do not shave in a hurry
  • Use upward motion when applying shaving cream
  • Make a habit to rinse off the straight edge, safety, cartridge, or disposable razor for men
  • Keep razor in a dry place until your next shave

So with this, we end our article on how to shave your entire face.  If you still have any questions, keep reading the next section.


  1. What Is The Proper Way To Shave Your Face?

    Though shaving in the opposite direction gives a close shave, it still is advisable to shave in the hair growth direction to prevent irritation and razor burns. It is also good for sensitive facial skin.

  2. Is It Ok To Shave Peach Fuzz On Your Face?

    Vellus hair is an almost invisible fuzz covering the top of your facial area. This system regulates temperature as well as evaporates sweat. Vellus hairs are very thin and transparent. It’s possible to use face shaving to remove the terminal and the vellus.

  3. How Do You Shave A Man’s Face With A Razor?

    Shaving for men depends on the hair growth direction. Also, it depends on your personal preference; shave with or against the grain. Most men shave with the grain, however, there are razors working amazingly well against the grain as well.


No matter if you are a beginner or a professional, you might end up committing mistakes if you remain unknown about shaving techniques.  You might even end up having stubble that you actually don’t want.  Even a minor mistake could lead to irritation and itching.

We hope you found this article helpful and are now well-versed with the shaving information.  If you want your friends and family to not suffer from the same hassle as you suffered, do share this with them.


Published Date: Mar 7, 2022

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