Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker? Is It Myth Or Reality?

Updated Date: by Reet Patel

“Hair grows back thicker and faster if you shave it off completely.”

We are sure you might have heard this once in your lifetime.  And not only you, even your grandfather, might have also heard or believed in it.  Besides, many even have experimented with it, out of which we were the one.  It is not because we wanted to grow thicker beard hair but to know the credibility of the claim.

In our experiment regarding the question “does shaving make hair thicker”, we found a list of things that we are sharing in this article.  Also, some research suffices what causes facial or body hair to grow thicker, darker, or faster.  There is also a way out to slow down the quick hair growth.  Besides, some side effects and tips related to shaving, which you, as a bearded guy, should keep in mind.

So let’s get started and unveil anything and everything about what does shaving does.

How Does Hair Growth Cycle Work?

does hair grow back thicker

Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen are three phases of hair growth, and each hair strand passes through these three stages.  It is the first thing to know to debunk the myth related to shaving.

On average, it takes somewhere around 4-weeks for body hair to grow its maximum length. However, they are still shorter than head hair.  Any hair on the body starts its growth from the hair follicles settled underneath the skin. Proteins and blood vessels are responsible for managing the roots.

Besides, there are sebaceous glands responsible for hydrating and lubricating the hair until it reaches terminal length. Once the hair pops up on the skin’s surface, its cells become inactive.

That’s the reason you might have heard many times that the hair you see and touch on your body, head, or face is dead.  Shaving removes dead hair above the skin’s surface and not underneath it, where they are still active and alive.  Since you shave off dead hair, there is no chance of affecting its growth rate, color, thickness, or density.

Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker? Why Does Hair Grow Back Thicker Post-shaving?

does shaving make hair grow more

We just discussed the hair growth cycle and the hair type your razor slices off.  However, the question still raises your eyebrow: does hair grow back thicker if you shave it?

No.  The good news is that shaving has nothing to do with hair thickness.  What you may see post-shaving is the stubble with blunt-tip. It is the same with legs, arms, body, or facial hair.  Besides, when you shave off, you slice the thinner part, leaving behind the thicker base.  It’s the first thing to be visible on your skin.  The initial hair regrowth may look thicker, but it doesn’t last long, and eventually, the follicles will thin as the day passes by.

Moreover, many even think that will shaving make hair grow faster?  Read on to get the answer to your question.

Does Shaving Make Hair Grow More?

We would say, rather than shaving, your genetics play a role in growing hair at a faster rate.  You might have noticed that some men of the same age have bushy hair growth, while others struggle to grow a mustache, which is nothing but the genetics and hormones playing their role.

The puberty age is when hair regrowth is at its peak, and since we shave off frequently during this period, we feel that the body hair grows quickly.  However, it doesn’t mean it happened because you shaved off the hair. 

Now many even question why does shaving make hair grow faster in certain areas?  Let’s understand that part as well.

What Makes Hair Grow Back Quickly in Certain Areas?

You know how different people have different hair growth rates; similarly, the hair grows on different body areas at different rates.  For instance, pubic hair grows back 60 percent faster than legs.  It is the reason you might be shaving your pubic region frequently.

You might have also witnessed darker hair color of facial hair as compared to other body hair.

Why Does Hair Grow Back Darker Post-shaving?

As said earlier, shaving doesn’t change the color of your hair. What lightens its tone are the external factors, such as sun exposure, bathing soaps, and pollutants.  Too much sunlight can bleach your dead hair follicles. Now what happens is as soon as you shave, the light hair strands get cut off, and the new dark hairs grow naturally, which is why you start feeling that the hair color is darker post-shaving.  It is most noticeable on the lighter skin shade.

Now that you know shaving has nothing to do with making hair grow back thicker and darker facial hair- let me make you familiar with the side effects of shaving.

What Are the Side Effects of Shaving?

Shaving is a method of removing hair with the use of razor blades.  It gives you a close and clean shave. However, it can be painful if you make a mistake in following the technique.  There are some side effects of shaving that you must know:

  • Ingrown Hairs
  • Razor Burn
  • Skin Irritation
  • Razor Cuts & Nicks
  • Skin Itching
  • Dermatitis

Now that you know the side effects- let’s also know the effective tips for shaving, saving you from side effects.

Effective Tips for Shaving

Since shaving is direct contact of the sharp blade with skin, you need to be careful.  Though it offers a close shave, it still can be dangerous.  With some tips and safety measures, you can prevent irritation, nicks, and infection.

Here are a few tips you must consider:

hair growth after shaving

Never Share Your Razor

Shaving is a method where a razor, along with unwanted hair, collects bacteria as well.  Hence, it is not advisable to share your razor with anyone because you don’t want someone else’s bacteria to settle on your skin and cause harm. Moreover, it even increases the risk of infection since the razor even peels of blood.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Hydrating your skin is essential because it smoothes hair and prepares even the dry skin for the shave.  It even makes a smooth surface, through which your razor would glide easily and shave off your facial hair.  You can use shave cream, gel, or even wet your skin with warm water.


Exfoliation before shaving is necessary to remove dead skin cells and make the shaving experience smoother and better.  Also, it will help you achieve a shave closer to your hair follicle.

No Shaving Over Cuts

If you want to prevent bacteria and speed up the healing process of any cuts that you might encounter while shaving, then avoid gliding razors over them.

Shave with the Grain

We recommend shaving with the grain whenever you start with shaving.  You must glide your razor in the direction of natural hair growth.  It prevents irritation, tugging, and pulling your hair.  After the first stroke, you can shave against or across the grain on your shaved skin.

Use Disposable Blades

You must always use fresh blades for shaving since the rusted blades can cause infection.  In our opinion, a disposable razor should be tossed away after ten shaves because that’s where it starts getting dull and blunt.

Never Apply Pressure

Another tip, especially for beginners, is that you must avoid applying too much pressure when shaving as it increases the chances of cuts and nicks.

Rinse with Cold Water Post Shave

You wash your face with warm water pre-shaving to open skin pores and soften hair follicles.  On the other hand, use cold water to soothe irritation and inflammation post-shaving.

Apply Aftershave Lotion

Aftershave is one of the grooming products that you must add to your grooming arsenal.  It soothes your skin from burning sensation, itching, and irritated skin.

So these are a few tips you must consider before shaving your legs, face, arms, or armpits.  It will also deliver fantastic results.  Now let’s see how to shave hair from different parts of the body.

How to Shave Different Areas of the Body?

does hair grow back thicker after shaving


Wash your face with warm water before shaving facial hair.  Also, do not forget to apply shave cream to soften your facial hair and prepare your skin.  Start shaving slowly in the beard growth direction, and be patient when shaving hair on jawlines and neck.  Any minor mistake can cause cuts and nicks.


Before you start shaving, exfoliate your legs with a wet cloth or warm water to remove dirt and pollutants.  After exfoliating, use shave cream to lather up your legs.  Shave with the grain and single long strokes.  Once you finish shaving hair on your legs, rinse off with cold water and towel dry it.  Apply a moisturizer containing aloe vera if the skin irritates or itches.


Armpit hair removal is a shaving that requires precision and care since the skin here is sensitive.  You can take a shower under warm water and continue washing the skin.  Then hold the skin taut and shave with the grain and against the grain since you don’t know which direction the hair grows under the armpits.

Pubic or Bikini Area

Another sensitive area wherein you will require to apply no pressure and be careful is the pubic or bikini area.  Shaving pubic hair causes itching, and most men experience it.  It is one of the reasons you have to be attentive and careful when shaving this sensitive skin area.

Shaving unwanted body hair with a razor is one of the hair removal methods, which will start hair regrowth in a few days.  What if we say that other hair removal methods prolong the hair regrowth period.  Read on to know more about different hair removal methods.

How Can You Delay Hair Growth?

Shaving only slices off dead hair, which means the active hair is still on its way to growth and can anytime pop up above the skin’s surface.  Now you might be wanting to know any effective hair removal method that can pluck the active hair from its hair follicle.

Here are the removal methods that you can try:


Waxing helps to remove hair from its roots, and hair grows back after quite a long time. Many men think that post-waxing, the hair grows back thicker; however, it does the opposite.  The good news is that it causes hair to grow back thinner than before and results in a long-lasting result.

But, on the other hand, it is one of the painful methods on the list, which is quite popular amongst women worldwide.  Besides, waxing damages the hair follicle and could result in hair loss.


Epilation is another hair removal method that ensures no hair regrowth for one month.  Though epilation is similar to plucking or tweezing, it still is different from them.  While other hair removal methods require single hair plucking, epilation grabs multiple hairs in one go from the roots.  Since there is no hair in the roots, it will decrease the chances of the hairs growing back.  

Laser Hair Removal

If you want a long-lasting result than other hair removal methods, we recommend undergoing laser hair removal.  The method uses laser and pulsating beams to damage your hair follicles, which will at least take 6-7 months to regrow facial or body hair.  Laser hair removal is a costly surgery and requires around six sessions to complete.

There are other hair removal methods as well, such as tweezing, depilatory creams, and treading, which you can try at your convenience.  Since the entire blog revolves around the rumor that hair is growing back thicker and darker, let’s look at some mind-blowing facts.

Facts About Body Hair

Here are some strange yet real facts about hairs:

You Lose 150-200 Hairs Per Day

Yes, you read it right.  Every day you lose 100-150 hairs, which regrow at the same pace, and at the end of three years, the number sums up to 100,000.

Body Hair Regulate Temperature

Body hair produces sweating, which restricts your body from overheating.  It is important to control your body’s temperature because you could even die if it rises above a certain level.  Since there can’t be thicker hair around, the hair on your body will take care of it.

Body Hair Determine Intelligence

If you are a hairy guy, you are also an intelligent person in the room.  According to the study, the more hair you have on the body, the more intelligent you are than others in the world.

You Have Grown Three Types of Hair

The three types of hair are:

  • Lanugo Hair: Newborn babies have this type of hair.
  • Vellus Hair: Short hairs covering the whole body and not connected to sebaceous glands.
  • Terminal Hair: Head and other body parts hair


1. Does peach fuzz grow back thicker after shaving?

The hair can’t grow back thicker post-shaving. Shaving makes the blunt tip of the hair, which many people consider thicker hair.

2. Is shaving hair good?

Shaving makes your facial or body area clean and clear from pollutants and dead skin cells.

3. Does shaving stimulate hair growth?

No. Shaving does not affect hair growth. It is a myth that has been around us for more than 100 years despite being exposed by Clinical studies in 1928.

4. Which is the best method for hair removal?

Shaving is an inexpensive method for hair removal, but it doesn’t guarantee a permanent or at least semi-permanent solution. If you are aiming for a long-term solution, go ahead with laser hair removal methods. Though it is expensive, it gives a long-term guarantee of no hair regrowth.

5. Does hair grow back thicker and darker post laser hair removal?

No, it does not make hair grow back thicker and darker once you undergo this method to remove hair.


Shaving is one of the grooming habits that maintain hygiene and give you desired results. Out of tons of myths related to shaving, many are exposed, and a few are still in the air.  One that we talked about in this article is does shaving makes hair grow back thicker and darker.  The clinical studies conducted in 1928 strongly say that shaved hair never grows back thicker nor darker.

There can be two reasons why people still believe in it; one of the reasons could be the entirely different appearance of facial hair post-shaving, or it may be due to the myth that has been hammered down in your brain all these years.

In our opinion, you must not let this age-old myth influence you as if you are thick-hair enthusiasts, it may disappoint you.  Besides, shaving often is also not advisable, especially for sensitive skin guys.  So let us know how you find this article and do you still believe in shaving hair to grow back thicker and darker.


Published Date: Feb 13, 2024

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